Seagull removal - Sea gull control methods

Seagulls are birds with a high level of intelligence and commonly they are found in abundance is coastal regions, rivers and the inland lakes. These birds show high degree of adaptability thanks to their scavenger nature and generally can drink fresh as well as salt water. They can eat almost everything from pieces of garbage to dead fish so it is always easy for them to find food because they don’t show any kind of specific preferences. Coming towards their physical appearance the creatures are18-24 inches tall and weight 2-3 pounds. Their body is of light color, wings are of grey to black shade. In accordance with specie coloring can also change. The most important point related with gulls is that they are protected by federal as well as state laws so any kind of control method should be adopted after carefully taking legal advice from experts for avoiding any kind of issue or problem.

Problems caused by seagulls: There are different problems which people experience because of seagulls especially when they increase in numbers. Most often these problems are common at the dump sites because of good number of feeding options that are present. The harbors areas also welcome good number of seagulls for the same reasons. Sometimes flocks of these birds create dangerous conditions for the aircrafts and can also cause problems at airports leading to flight delays. Gull droppings get accumulated in great numbers and this brings damage to the structure because uric acid is present in them. Droppings give an overall disgusting look, make people slip and fall and worst part is that they transmit different kinds of diseases. There is presence of fungi, bacteria as well as ecto-parasites inside gull droppings and these can produce many serious health related conditions. In short, seagulls in large numbers produce undesirable effects so it is best that proper control methods should be adopted for their removal in the best possible manner.

Control methods: Let’s discuss some of the most effective seagull control methods that will be a great help in dealing with the problem.
1. Sheepdogs have a very high position in list of methods that are used for the purpose of controlling seagull. They will chase the birds scaring them away and can bring 99 % clarity in the region. It is best to patrol with dog during the hours when gull activity is at its peak because in this manner maximum number of birds can be sacred away.

2. Taking help from a predator is also a good idea and effective as well when you want to scare the birds away. You can deploy hawk at the site where there is over activity of seagulls because they can scare the birds away, but some will also be attacked by the predator. Nevertheless the results which you will get after deploying a predator are more than good.

3. Understanding the nature of bird also helps in designing strategies for their removal. It has been noticed that gulls normally prefer to reach high points on chimneys and roofs so if you will move ahead with the installation or placement of parallel wires, steel spikes or netting in such areas then bird perching can be avoided in the easiest possible way. The birds will find it difficult to land on these regions so they will fly away.

4. There is an abundance of deterrent products present inside markets. There are gadgets such as amplifiers, cannons etc. that are good at scaring the bird away from your property. There are paints and sprays available that make sticky surfaces which irritate the birds effectively. In addition to this, there are many other products, which can be used but effectiveness of different products shows great variations.

5. Metal electric zappers are convincing products because they don’t bring any considerable harm. They work in a very fine manner as strips that are flat carry electrostatic pulses and give the birds shock incentives so they are discouraged and seek another place for landing properly.

6. Products that have the potential of bouncing and spinning can distract birds and they are discouraged from settling down. There are mechanical spiders, which can provide this kind of effect. You can use these as well for availing interesting results.

7. Gulls are scared of brighter and scary faces and this concept has been used in the making of products that are commonly known as Terror Eyes. You can find them easily in market and placing them at a prominent place of your house can drive the birds away in a convincing manner.

8. For baffling birds shiny materials can also be used and the best part is that mirrored tapes are also inexpensive, but can only be used in the form of short term solutions. There is also another product, which is known as optical gel and it’s also used in dealing with the birds in an effective manner.

These were some prominent strategies that can be used for seagull control, but we strongly recommend that you should first of all remove all those elements which make a place attractive for these creatures so that they can be driven away.

Seagulls are attracted to food, so one of the very first things you should do to keep seagulls away from your property is to clean up any food that they could potentially scavenge on. These birds will eat everything, from the fish and chips out of your hands as you walk along the beach, to the garbage protruding from your trash can. They’ll steal dog or cat food if they can get away with it, and fruits and vegetables growing right in your backyard. In fact, there’s not much these birds won’t eat. 

As well as removing all food sources, albeit temporarily (bird feeders, etc.), you should look at having spike strips installed on the areas that seagulls land. Wire stretched across the area works quite well in some cases (parallel bird wire), and there is also bird netting for larger spaces, such as warehouse or factor internal roof spaces. 

These are vicious, determined, stubborn, large birds that are more than willing to repeatedly try to snatch food right out of your hands. You will need to take an aggressive but safe approach to getting rid of them. One aggressive method is bird abatement using falcons, which uses birds of prey to scare off (but not harm) pigeons, seagulls and other large birds. 

How To Get Rid Of Seagulls

Most people assume that they only have to worry about seagulls while on the beach, but these nuisance birds can cause issues no matter where you are. They are noisy and leave behind messes wherever they go. Worst of all, while they prefer to be close to water, they are also easily found anywhere there is trash, such as a parking lot, urban area, or even landfill. Seagulls are very opportunistic eaters, swooping down to get their prey, or garbage they can eat. Unfortunately for humans, they are adaptable and will sometimes work together.

Check Local Regulations
Before taking action to get rid of seagulls on or near your property, check your local regulations. Certain parts of the country have protections in place for these birds. If they are protected, you can only use natural methods to get of them. Realistically, however, natural methods are the most effective anyway, so this is typically what a wildlife removal expert will suggest.

Install Spikes
Bird spikes are fairly easy to find and work just as well on seagulls as other birds. They are essentially spikes you install on flat surfaces, like railings or roofs. Since the surface has spikes, the birds will not want to land. These are completely humane as seagulls and other birds are smart enough to know that landing on them will hurt their feet; they just avoid the spikes and fly on.

Try Reflective Surfaces
Just like other types of birds, seagulls tend to be scared of shiny, moving objects. To take advantage of this, install shiny objects that will move in the wind. The simplest solution is to cut up aluminum foil into strips and hang it in the area you want to keep the birds away from. You can also buy specific reflective tape that makes a clacking sound when it moves or buy reflective balloons or pinwheels.

Floating Predators
If your property has water, then you can try using floating predators to discourage seagulls. A common option is a fake alligator that floats around your pond or other body of water. Just keep in mind that seagulls may get used to the floating predators, so you will have to move them around every few days for the best results.

Hire A Professional
For many people, the simplest and most effective way of getting rid of seagulls is to have a professional take care of them for you. They will not only be aware of the local regulations and protections regarding these birds, but know which methods work best and are the most humane.

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